Case study

Delivering Flexible Human Resources Solutions

Business Challenge

Clients are busy running the day-to-day business, and while they know they need comprehensive human resources support, they aren’t quite sure where to find a trusted partner, especially in the absence of in-house talent.

Innovative Solutions

Compass developed HumanResourced™, an outsourced solution providing our clients with the benefits of an elite HR department without the prohibitive fixed overhead costs. Some engagements focused on setting up brand-new organizations while others addressed implementing significant changes for long-tenured companies, ensuring compliance for all. Partnerships last years and are on-going.

Through HumanResourced™, clients had a dedicated team and access to top craft experts with a full array of experiences. Compass’s interaction with each client varied. For some, Compass was embedded within the organization and worked directly from an onsite office. Other clients chose to interact with Compass on a less-routine basis, going weeks without contact, and reaching out as needed. Regardless of how frequently or infrequently Compass engaged with each client, Compass’s guidance was specific and relevant to the needs of each organization.

Compass implemented the following strategies:

  • Served as the direct point of contact for staff questions or concerns.
  • Provided real-time coaching to organizational leaders regarding communication, conflict, policy interpretation, crisis, and other related employment issues and decisions.
  • Facilitated mission, vision, core values, and strategic plan development.
  • Established comprehensive talent acquisition programs including workforce assessment, job description creation, market-based compensation analysis, and recruiting/onboarding management.
  • Audited HR practices and systems to assess current state. Built and implemented an action plan to address HR-related practices across the entire employee experience.
  • Developed current, compliant employee resource manual to support communication, performance expectations, and legal compliance.
  • Surveyed employees to assess engagement. Developed and implemented recommendations to enhance organizational performance and culture.
  • Conducted professional development, policies/procedures, and technical skills training.
  • Assessed HR technology needs and practices. Implemented changes to enhance workplace productivity, accuracy, self-management, documentation, and reporting capabilities.

Shared Results

Compass built meaningful, long-term relationships with organizational leaders, which resulted in compliant human resources practices, stronger leadership and business strategies, better workforces, engaged team members, and more open communication among teams. Throughout each engagement, Compass courageously guided leaders to systematically solve specific issues at hand. The ultimate result: successful organizations with thriving employees. Overall, Compass’s efforts resulted in more connected and engaged teams due to the enhanced communication and implementation of appropriate human resources practices.

Compass is a tremendous resource for my company and one of our most important partners, helping to make Olson Zaltman the special place it is.

Lindsay Zaltman
Chief Executive Officer and Partner, Olson Zaltman

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