Case study

Growing Leaders Through Mentoring

Business Challenge

FHLBank Pittsburgh sought to rebuild its existing mentoring program to support emerging leaders within the organization. Engagement of both mentors and mentees was paramount to the program being supported by leadership in the launch year and subsequent program executions. Understanding the positives and opportunity areas from previous programs created a pathway for improvement. A methodical pair-matching system, robust training program, and scheduled support were requested to ensure commitment for both mentors and mentees.

Innovative Solutions

Together, Compass and the FHLBank’s Human Resources (HR) team formally developed program goals and created a vigorous application for both mentors and mentees. Compass worked side-by-side with the HR team to ensure chosen applicants were well-suited for the program. The program connected emerging leaders with established leaders by using a customized, methodical pair-matching system developed by Compass.

Compass created and implemented the following additional strategies to ensure the success of the new program:

  • The training presentation wrapped up with a captivating awards-style match unveiling and a meet-and-greet lunch.
  • Multiple thought-provoking resources were provided to both mentors and mentees to help ensure the nine-month program went smoothly for both parties.
  • Regular check-ins were completed, providing participants with third-party support as needed.
  • Lunch-and-learn sessions were held on topics that participants highlighted on their program applications as preferred areas of focus.
  • Best-practice sessions were held with mentor and mentee peers to share ideas and progress.
  • A celebratory happy hour event was held to celebrate the cohort at the end of the program.

Shared Results

The FHLBank Leadership Mentoring Program allowed for professional relationships to flourish and trustworthy friendships to form. The two surveys conducted during the program showcased the dedication each participant felt for the program and to their partner. The mentors cited feeling professionally rewarded for supporting an emerging leader while enjoying the opportunity to further connect with peers throughout the program. Mentees often noted personal growth and appreciation for the mentors’ openness and willingness to support, coach, and guide. The program was noted as a resounding success by FHLBank leadership, and was recognized as winner of the Pittsburgh Human Resource Association’s Engaging Pittsburgh: Innovative People Practices Award.

A strong mentoring program is essential to FHLBank’s efforts to build a strong leadership talent pipeline. Compass’s consultation, resources, and training really took our program to the next level.

Carolyn McKinney
Chief Human Resources Officer

FHLBank Pittsburgh provides funding to member financial institutions in Delaware, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia to support housing and economic development in the communities they serve.

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